2013年9月30日 星期一

Nownews財經新聞: 高虎城:自貿區將對大陸對外開放格局 帶來三方面影響

Speak Up - Stand Out!

Learn how to be a confident communicator. Transform the way you experience public speaking with this $39 online course taught by Alexa Fischer.
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高虎城:自貿區將對大陸對外開放格局 帶來三方面影響
Oct 1st 2013, 05:41


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Nownews財經新聞: 華寶出嫁 股價鎖漲停 逾96萬張買單排隊

Manage your social media

Best social media tool for image publishing to Facebook and Twitter. Look amazing and delight your followers. Get 40% off when you sign up today.
From our sponsors
華寶出嫁 股價鎖漲停 逾96萬張買單排隊
Oct 1st 2013, 05:41


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Nownews財經新聞: 上海自貿區正式掛牌成立 為企業轉型提供突破口

Want free Kindle ebooks?

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上海自貿區正式掛牌成立 為企業轉型提供突破口
Oct 1st 2013, 05:41


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Nownews財經新聞: 打敗iPhone 5S 新HTC One獲美科技網站評為2013最佳手機

Speak Up - Stand Out!

Learn how to be a confident communicator. Transform the way you experience public speaking with this $39 online course taught by Alexa Fischer.
From our sponsors
打敗iPhone 5S 新HTC One獲美科技網站評為2013最佳手機
Oct 1st 2013, 05:41

〔記者楊伶雯╱台北報導〕宏達電第3季營運低盪,在各競爭大廠都推出新的旗艦機之下,市場也期待宏達電的新機,不過,在新機未出前,新HTC One則是獲得美國美國科技網站評選為2013最佳智慧型手機,打敗新上市的Apple iPhone 5S,LG G2則是獲得第三名。

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Nownews財經新聞: 9月台灣製造業PMI連7月擴張 但新增訂單數跌至今年最低

Want new traffic sources?

Download a copy of our complimentary eBook today, and read about sources that most marketers are not aware of.
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9月台灣製造業PMI連7月擴張 但新增訂單數跌至今年最低
Oct 1st 2013, 05:41


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Nownews財經新聞: 商辦╱政府釋地、保險業解禁 業者看好Q4資金加倍奉還

Want new traffic sources?

Download a copy of our complimentary eBook today, and read about sources that most marketers are not aware of.
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商辦╱政府釋地、保險業解禁 業者看好Q4資金加倍奉還
Oct 1st 2013, 05:41


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Nownews財經新聞: ITC公告侵犯閃點專利 宏達電:將上訴、業務不受影響

Let the jobs find you

Instantly post your resume to 75+ job sites. You can save 60 hours off your job search.
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ITC公告侵犯閃點專利 宏達電:將上訴、業務不受影響
Oct 1st 2013, 05:41


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Nownews財經新聞: 上海自貿區首設負面清單 外企最快四天拿執照

Beer of the Month Club

Sign up for the club and get 12 hard-to-fiind microbrewed bottles of beer delivered each month. Makes a great gift, too!
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上海自貿區首設負面清單 外企最快四天拿執照
Oct 1st 2013, 03:43


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Nownews財經新聞: 沒錢繳保費也別輕易解約 善用4項變更留住保障、降損失

Need cooking inspiration?

Have a passion for cooking delicious meals or need inspiration for your next dish? Daily food fares to quench your palette when you subscribe to Recipe ideas.
From our sponsors
沒錢繳保費也別輕易解約 善用4項變更留住保障、降損失
Oct 1st 2013, 03:43


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Nownews財經新聞: 降低電價上漲民怨 10月天然氣凍漲、桶裝瓦斯每桶降10元

Learn to create beautiful cakes from your kitchen.

Whether you are doing this for fun or to start a new business, this course provides the simple techniques needed to decorate a cake like a pro.
From our sponsors
降低電價上漲民怨 10月天然氣凍漲、桶裝瓦斯每桶降10元
Oct 1st 2013, 03:43


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Nownews財經新聞: 台股漲、美元人氣弱 新台幣早盤衝29.545、升值逾1角

Manage your social media

Best social media tool for image publishing to Facebook and Twitter. Look amazing and delight your followers. Get 40% off when you sign up today.
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台股漲、美元人氣弱 新台幣早盤衝29.545、升值逾1角
Oct 1st 2013, 03:43


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Nownews財經新聞: 李嘉誠再次有意出售香港產業 仍否認撤資香港!

Need cooking inspiration?

Have a passion for cooking delicious meals or need inspiration for your next dish? Daily food fares to quench your palette when you subscribe to Recipe ideas.
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李嘉誠再次有意出售香港產業 仍否認撤資香港!
Oct 1st 2013, 03:43


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Nownews財經新聞: 高虎城:上海自貿區負面清單管理模式 是行政體制改革

Learn to create beautiful cakes from your kitchen.

Whether you are doing this for fun or to start a new business, this course provides the simple techniques needed to decorate a cake like a pro.
From our sponsors
高虎城:上海自貿區負面清單管理模式 是行政體制改革
Oct 1st 2013, 03:43


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